Required vaccines
For dogs
Dog health and safety is top priority at Emerald Street Kennels. Therefore, we require any dog entering our building to be up to date on the following vaccines:- Rabies - While Rabies is not quite a major concern in the modern United States, it is still something that every pet (and person working with animals) should be protected against. The rabies vaccine should be administered once every 1 or 3 years.
- DHPP - This is a handy multivalent vaccine which covers Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza. Other variations include Leptospirosis and/or Coronavirus. The DHPP vaccine should be administered once every 1 or 3 years.
- Bordetella - Though not a core vaccine, the bordetella vaccine is equally important when your dog enters any area with multiple dogs roaming freely. It protects against CIRD, sometimes known as kennel cough, which can spread rapidly due to it being an airborne virus. Some vets will guarantee the bordetella vaccine for 1 year. Otherwise, we require it to be administered every 6 months.
For cats
Cat wellness is just as important here, and if you are to bring your cat in for boarding, they must be current on the following vaccines:- FelV - This will prevent the contraction of feline leukemia and should be administered to your cat every 1 or 3 years.
- FVRCP - The feline distemper vaccine. As a core vaccine for standard cat wellness, it should be administered every 1 or 3 years.
- Rabies - Another core vaccine for feline preventative health. It should be administered to your cat every 1 or 3 years.
Preventative Measures
Topical parasites
Known topical parasites in Idaho are ticks, and to a lesser degree fleas and lice. The two most common forms of transmission for these little critters are via direct pet to pet contact or from contaminated bedding. At Emerald Street Kennels we launder bedding on a daily basis and check any pets that display signs that they may have parasites, such as itching and skin irritation.
Topical parasites such as fleas, ticks and lice can easily be prevented by applying a monthly preventative such as Frontline Plus. It is best to apply this medication at least 48 hours prior to boarding. If you are unable to apply within 48 hours or there remains a visible greasy spot (from the application) please let us know, as oral ingestion of this application by another dog is not advisable. We will place your pet in daycare once the 48 hours has been established and/or the greasy area has dissipated.
Intestinal parasites
The four most common types of intestinal worms in dogs are roundworm, tapeworm, hookworms, and whipworms. Pets can acquire these parasites through a variety of methods, including but not limited to:
- contaminated soil ingested by self-cleaning (i.e. licking paws that contain contaminated soil)
- ingesting contaminated stool
- ingesting a flea
- ingesting a contaminated rodent
- passed on from a contaminated mother to her offspring
- the parasite burrowing through the skin.
Many prescribed monthly oral heartworm preventative medications, such as Heartguard plus, Interceptor etc. will eliminate other parasites such as hookworms, whipworms and roundworms. If you suspect your pet has acquired one of these intestinal parasites a vet appointment is recommended. Monthly prescribed heartworm preventatives are just that; a preventative not a treatment. Fecal testing is usually recommended by your veterinarian annually and or if you suspect your pet has parasites. Veterinarians do this to determine what parasite your pet may have and prescribe appropriate medications. Be aware that not all over-the-counter dewormer’s are effective. Your veterinarian is the best source for this medication.
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